Uncategorized Parashat Noaj: Y el mundo estaba lleno de Hamas Hay un adagio del Talmud que dice: "אף על פי שאין נחש יש סימן" - aunque no podemos usar la adivinación, podemos utilizar los signos…Uriel Romanooctubre 18, 2023
Uncategorized Zman Dma’otenu, the time of our tears In the Book of Psalms, it is written: "You turned my lament into dancing, you undid my sackcloth and girded me with joy" (Psalm 30:12).…Uriel Romanooctubre 18, 2023
Uncategorized Parashat Bereshit: Light in the Darkness (5784-2023) 'Bereshit Bara Elohim,' in the beginning God created (Gen. 1:1,)... this is how our Torah begins. This is where the Torah, which we have begun…Uriel Romanooctubre 18, 2023
Uncategorized Homosexuality, Earthquakes & Cherry-picking in the Talmud The next time you hear about a terrible earthquake, there will surely be an aftermath -not only in the tectonic movements of the Earth- but…Uriel Romanomarzo 3, 2023